Zen Walking Meditation (Kinhin) | Introduction to Kinhin Meditation

Walking meditation is something you can do indoors or outdoors, you can even practice Kinhin during your next nature hike for a big serenity boost, as it will enhance your entire experience as you hike. Zen walking meditation begins with the mudra or hand posture. There is more than one hand posture that is traditionally used, and we're going to start with the mudra that seems most popular.

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Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain

5 Myths and Facts About Meditation 2021

Even through meditation is only a recent addition in western culture its popularity has grown quickly, along with a number of myths that have sprung up around mediation. There are also lots of dogmas and teachings within different lineages that seem contradictory and this tends to complicate our understanding of what meditation is.

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Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain

How Long Should You Meditate Everyday | Meditation For Beginners

With more time on our hands, many people are trying new things, including meditation. When you Google meditation, though, the results you get can be not just contradictory but downright confusing. In this post I will answer some common questions about how much time you should spend in meditation, and I’ll also indirectly address how much meditation is too little for anyone who is wondering that.

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Zen | Podcast, Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain Zen | Podcast, Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain

Guided Zen Meditation | Zazen Meditation

Zazen meditation can be used at any time when you feel the need to 'unplug' yourself from the world and focus on self-care and inner harmony, taking you to a place of pure relaxation and tranquility and allowing you to experience a time of absolute calm and peace. It is also extremely beneficial to overall mental health, and can be used to completely relax your mind before you sleep.

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Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain

Guided Grounding Meditation | How to Ground and Center Yourself

Grounding is a very helpful quality to incorporate into a formal meditation routine. If you feel that you are especially spacey during meditation or that your internal dialogue is overwhelming while doing a mindfulness meditation for instance, try this first as a warm up, and if you want to you can also treat it as a meditation technique in itself.

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Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain

Primordial Sound Meditation | Ah Mantra Meditation

Sound has an ancient kinship with meditation and healing. Sound healing has ancient roots in cultures all over the world, From the Australian aboriginal tribes who used the didgeridoo to the Tibetan or Himalayan singing bowl. In this mediation I use the AH Mantra that both has a Neuro-Linguistic, Psycho-Linguistic Effect. These two effects release hormones that have a healing, feel-good effect.

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Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain

8 Tips For Staying Awake while Meditating | Mindfulness Meditation Technique

Falling asleep during meditation is very common and if it happens to you once a while you don't need to be too concerned. When we are learning to meditate, we are looking for a balance between focus and relaxation and in the process it is inevitable that from time to time we’ll drift a little too far in either direction. So if staying awakes is a problem here as some 8 that may help.

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