The Art of Stalking | Modern Books On The Art Of Stalking: Podcast Download


Hello and welcome to the Ancient wisdom modern mind download page and in this podcast I would like to discuss “Stalking the First Attention” and suggest 3 modern books that will enhance your understanding of the First Attention and which will also support your understanding of clarity from a cultural perspective.

Stalking is the best defense against clarity, and only by defeating clarity can the sorcerer learn that their frame of reference is an illusion, that our cultural dynamics was the trap. Yet clarities most cunning maneuver is that it wins the sorcerers agreement, we willingly sign clarities social contract. Clarity manipulates our own sense of moral value, thus it is not clarity that forces itself on the sorcerer, but rather it is the sorcerer that clings to clarity.

Clarity is all that we hold to be good and just, all the values that society holds as true are built upon clarities manipulation, and are so ingrained, so interwoven into our moral ideals, that clarity is invisible to the sorcerer.

This is why what we do is utter folly, we do clarities bidding and we do it with pride, and even when we take pride in our right actions, clarity drains our personal power, and even when this right action leads us into a life of slavery, we go willingly into clarities trap.

To understand clarity we need to also understand the agents of clarity, we need to understand the people that willingly enforce and manipulate clarities social contract to their advantage and in so doing also act as agents of clarity.

This is where stalking, is used as a tool to defend against clarities attempts to drained and steal our personal power. 3 best modern books that expose clarity and can help the sorcerer to understand the social dynamics of stalking are:

  • “How To Win Friends And Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

  • “The Rational Male” by Rollo Tomassi

  • “The 48 laws of power” by Robert Green

These 3 books will go a long way to helping you to build a natural fluid frame, and consequently defeat clarity. But I should point out that these books are not intended as personal development guides, you first need to build personal power by tightening your life or cleaning your tonal.

Please listen to the podcast until end to understand Stalking, and that it supports you in defending against clarity and also that it helps you recognize the agents of clarity, and remember these agents of clarity are how clarity uses the mob to control society.

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