The Complete Zen Meditation Collection | Meditation Album

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The Complete Zen Collection to Understanding Zen, Zazen and Kinhin, includes Guided MEDITATIONS

In this Collection of Audio's you will learn how to practice mindfulness and mindfulness meditation using a few different approaches. You will also learn what mindfulness is or at last have a new perspective on mindfulness if you are already familiar with it.

Mindfulness is the art of becoming present with moment to moment experience, on finer and finer levels, without resistance as it arises. This includes thoughts and emotions that try to distract you from the present moment.

Present moment awareness isn't about shutting down the mind. It's about changing your relationship with the mind. Thoughts and often unwanted emotions are in the present moment. They are not distractions keeping you from it. The acceptance of thoughts and feelings is the foundation of mindfulness practice.

01. Meditation Myths: in this audio I go over five very common and very ridiculous myths about meditation and shed light on these myths with five meditation facts.

02. Zazen Meditation Introduction: the aim of this recording is to acquaint you with the process of zazen meditation, and to help you to stay focused in the early stages of your practice, but is not designed to act as a meditation in and of itself.

03. How to Practice Zen Breathing: Zazen is a very simple yet precise method of meditation where the correct breathing and posture are a fundamental part of the Zazen practice.

04. Learn how to Practice Mindfulness Meditation: In this audio you will learn how to practice mindfulness and mindfulness meditation using a few different approaches. You will also learn what mindfulness is or at last have a new perspective on mindfulness if you are already familiar with it.

05. Zazen-Guided-Meditation: The aim of this recording is to give you a very detailed explanation on how to do Zazen meditation and to help you to stay motivated and focused in the early stages of your practice.

06. Zazen Walking Meditation (Kinhin): The aim of this recording is to acquaint you with the process of traditional Zen Walking meditation called Kinhin, It can be used at any time when you feel the need to 'unplug' yourself from the world and focus on self-care and inner harmony.

07. Zazen / Kinhin Guided Compilation: In this Audio, I have combined Zazen and Kinhin walking Meditation, you will start with the Zazen meditation and then transition to Kinhin, and I will give you a very detailed explanation at each stage on how to do this.

08. BONUS What is the Hara: this audio aims to clear up a few misconceptions surrounding what the Hara is and now it connects to zen spiritual ideas.

09. BONUS The Tale of the Samurai and the Tea Master is a traditional story from Japan about the time a Samurai warrior challenged a tea master to a duel. It shows how if you are the master of yourself, you can be the master of anything.

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