The Art of Stalking | Modern Books On The Art Of Stalking

The stalkers are the ones who take the brunt of the daily world. They are the business managers, the ones who deal with people. Everything that has to do with the world of ordinary affairs goes through them. The stalkers are the practitioners of controlled folly, just as the dreamers are the practitioners of dreaming. In other words, controlled folly is the basis for stalking, as dreams are the basis for dreaming. Don Juan said that, generally speaking, a warrior's greatest accomplishment in the second attention is dreaming, and in the first attention his greatest accomplishment is stalking. - The Art of Stalking by Carlos Castaneda

Hello and welcome to the Ancient wisdom modern mind podcast and in this blog I would like to discuss “Stalking the First Attention” and suggest 3 modern books that will enhance your understanding of the First Attention and which will also support your understanding of clarity from a cultural perspective.

Stalking is the best defense against clarity, and only by defeating clarity can the sorcerer learn that their frame of reference is an illusion, that our cultural dynamics was the trap.

Yet clarities most cunning maneuver is that it wins the sorcerers agreement, we willingly sign clarities social contract. Clarity manipulates our own sense of moral value, thus it is not clarity that forces itself on the sorcerer, but rather it is the sorcerer that clings to clarity.

Clarity is all that we hold to be good and just, all the values that society holds as true are built upon clarities manipulation, and are so ingrained, so interwoven into our moral ideals, that clarity is invisible to the sorcerer.

This is why what we do is utter folly, we do clarities bidding and we do it with pride, and even when we take pride in our right actions, clarity drains our personal power, and even when this right action leads us into a life of slavery, we go willingly into clarities trap.

To understand clarity we need to also understand the agents of clarity, we need to understand the people that willingly enforce and manipulate clarities social contract to their advantage and in so doing also act as agents of clarity.

This is where stalking, is used as a tool to defend against clarities attempts to drained and steal our personal power. And the 3 best modern books that expose clarity and can help the sorcerer to understand the social dynamics of stalking, are “How To Win Friends And Influence People” by Dale Carnegie, “The Rational Male” by Rollo Tomassi, and “The 48 laws of power” by Robert Green,.

This first book is which you may think is not related to stalking is “How To Win Friends and Influence People”, but this books value is that it teaches us stalking from a positive social perspective.

“How To Win Friends and Influence People’s” core ideas are that we can change other people's behavior simply by changing your own. “How To Win Friends and Influence People” teaches you the principles to better understand people, how to become a more likable person, improve relationships, win others over, and influence behavior through improving your social skills and leadership.

This idea of winning friends is important, because clarity is not defeated by fighting, or by getting angry. If you fight clarity then clarity will simply supplement its blue pilled values for nihilistic values. Self is 90% clarity, self is simply not real and is a shallow parasitic social contract overlaid on the nagual at birth.

“How To Win Friends and Influence People” teaches us how clarity charms people into submission, and what this aspect of stalking teaches us is how we can give clarity a false sense of submission. You fake your submission and in doing this clarity is bypassed, you absorb the frame of clarity and become invisible to clarity by taking on the same frame as an agent of clarity.

The Next book which I think is a powerful tool that will open your eyes to clarities maneuvering is the “The Rational Male” by Rollo Tomassi, this book is a rational and pragmatic approach to intergender dynamics and the social and psychological underpinnings of intergender relations.  The book is a compilation of ten-years of his core writing as an author/blogger at Rollo Tomassi is one of the leading voices in a globally growing, male-focused online consortium known as the "Manosphere".

“The Rational Male” outlines the concepts of positive masculinity, the feminine imperative, plate theory, operative social conventions and the core psychological theory behind Game awareness and "red pill" ideology. In his book Tomassi explains and outlines the principles of intergender social dynamics and the foundational reasoning behind them.

“The Rational Male” introduces us to the idea of the blue pill mind, yet this books true value is that it exposes how clarity is woven into the social contract via blue pilled values.

The final book is “The 48 Laws of Power”. Since stalking is a human social game and knowing why people do what they do is an important aspect of stalking, and how people play this social game can be found in the lessons of “The 48 Laws of Power”. “The 48 Laws of Power” exposes all the tactics used by the human predator, how people cheat, dissemble, feign, fight and advance their social positions in the modern world and by you understanding this behavior you are better able to defend against this master predator.

These 3 books will go a long way to helping you to build a natural fluid frame, and consequently defeat clarity. But I should point out that these books are not intended as personal development guides, you first need to build personal power by tightening your life or cleaning your tonal.

Developing supportive habits like meditation, healthy eating, and exercise and eliminate any addictions or people that drain your power or distract you from your path, and most importantly get some basic life experience and of course defeat the first natural enemy “fear”.

In a nut shell you need to become a warrior and to have already built your personal power before any of the knowledge in these books will be of value.

I hope that this post adds substance to your understanding of Stalking, and that it supports you in defending against clarity and also that it helps you recognize the agents of clarity, and remember these agents of clarity are how clarity uses the mob to control society.

And if you have the time then let me know in the comments about your understanding of stalking or how your journey has changed your life, and this is important not only to me but also in helping others in their personal journey.

And if you liked the article I would like to also take a moment to remind you to sign up to the newsletter if you would like to be notified when I release new content, and if you would like to support my work then you can download the podcast version for a small supporters remuneration, or you can purchase meditation audios and books from the web site.

Here’s to you and your fulfilment and growth into every tomorrow to come.

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How To Win Friends and Influence People | The Rational Male | The 48 Laws of Power

Jason Cain

Jason Cain is an author, philosopher, and spiritual researcher specializing in the art of sorcery, mysticism, and evolutionary behaviorism, metaphysics, and ancient cultures. He is the author of "Autobiography of a Sorcerer", "Creating a Meditation Habit That Sticks", "How to Meditate Made Easy", "Mystical Paths of Yoga", "Songs of a Mystic", "Zazen Compilation (Complete Zen Collection)" and "Releasing Negative Thoughts through Meditation".

For many years he has lived the life of an Ascetic Hermit while studying the spiritual traditions and meditative practices of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen and the works of modern sorcerers like Castaneda.

His focus is a mixture of eastern spirituality and modern sorcery and for over five decades he has been studying the philosophy of the East and their meditative practices, while expounding the benefits of the true self-realized nature that can be achieved when we free the self from the ego (self-importance).

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